Agreed Judgment

An agreed judgment is an agreement between the two parties in a lawsuit to end the court case. It usually means that the Defendant (the consumer) has agreed to a judgment to the Plaintiff (debt buyer or creditor).  This may be the only option if the consumer does not have the funds to make a lump sum settlement or can make payment in a short enough time period. An agreed judgment is filed in court records and can be filed in county records. If it is filed in county records it could hinder the sale of a home property. See Texas Partial Release  and if you Can Sell a home without paying a judgment for more information.

Bad Agreed Judgments

Many consumers have hired us after they signed an agreed judgment and could no longer afford to make payments. We can often negotiate a settlement that is beneficial to the client.

Credit Reporting of Agreed Judgments

After July 2017, judgments and agreed judgments are not longer reporting from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. This is not to say that you will not have to worry about an agreed judgment. If you are in the process of purchasing a home or selling a home your lender or title company may have issues with the agreed judgment.

Have an attorney review before signing an agreed judgment

You should always seek an experienced attorney’s opinion before signing an agreed judgment in Texas. The review may open up additional possibilities to resolving your issues with the creditor and may stop an judgment from happening.